
August 3, 2015

Manheim Solutions adds College of DuPage as New Client

Manheim Solutions, Inc. recently added the Continuing Education Business Solutions Group of the College of DuPage, located in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, as a new ACT Authorized Job Profiling® client. As with other community college and workforce investment board clients, the Manheim Solutions Team conducts job profiling for their manufacturers customers. For more information about the […]

June 23, 2015

Appleton, WI Economic Development Strategic Plan Approved

The City of Appleton, WI approved the Economic Development Strategic Plan developed by Manheim Solutions, Inc. A copy of the brochure is available for viewing. Appleton possesses a central location in a 30-mile diameter area that encompasses a regional labor market and retail trade are with a population of nearly 814,000 persons in the Appleton-Green […]

April 9, 2015

Treasure Coast Research Receives $900K EDA Grant

Great NEWS from our client, Treasure Coast Research, Education and Development Authority in St. Lucie, Florida. They received a $895,000 grant from the EDA, prepared with our assistance to build the Center for AgriLife Research and Entrepreneurship (CARE) Incubator, also known as the Sunshine Kitchen Food Business Incubator. Will create 266 jobs!  For more information […]

October 24, 2014

Workforce Connections Reports New WorkKeys Assessments

Our partner and client, The Workforce Connection of Rockford, Illinois reports in its October 2014 newsletter that 1,172 individuals have taken WorkKeys assessments through its office and that of the Northern Illinois Workforce Alliance. For more information, read the newsletter at Manheim Solutions, Inc. has completed more than a dozen manufacturing ACT job profiles in […]

September 8, 2014

Manheim Solutions, Inc. Hosts IEDC Finance Course

For the second time since 2012, Manheim Solutions, Inc. has hosted the International Economic Development Council’s “Economic Development Finance Programs” course in Chicago this past week – September 3-5. The course instructs economic development professionals on the ‘Best Practices’ of economic development finance, business financing programs, revolving loan programs, real estate financing, Tax Increment Financing […]

May 20, 2014

ED Now Article Published

For those of you who are members of the IEDC (International Economic Development Council), here is a tweet from the IEDC  about my latest article in ED Now, “Why You Should Hire A Certified Economic Developer.”  Enjoy! ED Now Feature: Why You Should Hire a Certified Economic Developer — IEDC (@IEDCtweets) May 19, 2014

February 26, 2014

Appleton, Wisconsin Announces New Strategic Planning Initiative

APPLETON, WIS, FEBRUARY, 2014 – The City of Appleton, Wisconsin is pleased to announce that it will partner with Manheim Solutions and Brand Acceleration to advance its economic development strategic planning and marketing communications. The project will include a detailed analysis of the City’s demographic and socioeconomic trends and labor force characteristics, as well as […]

January 28, 2014

Certification test focuses on readying students for work, not college

The PBS News Hour just featured several of our ACT WorkKeys clients, which include School District U-46 (another client). Here’s the web link:

December 26, 2013

Testimonial from Sylvia Lovely, Food Consultant

The Manheim Solutions Team recently received this testimonial from Sylvia Lovely of Foodscape, and retired CEO of the Kentucky League of Cities. Sylvia may be reached at www.foodscape.US/co-host,  Food News and Chews television and restaurant owner. Enjoy Sylvia’s comments on how she used our Moscow, Idaho Study as a case study in her  “Seize the (local food) Movement” that […]

October 29, 2013

Manheim Team Presents Food Study at Global Conference

Elgin, IL – Earlier this month, The Manheim Solutions Team presented its feasibility study on the Latah County, Idaho Food Innovation and Resource Center at the International Economic Development Council in Philadelphia. The study was prepared for the Latah County Economic Development Council FIRC Working Group and the Clearwater Economic Development Association. Manheim Solutions, Inc. […]